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Try GDR 3 / Update 3 Developer Preview for Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8

If you brave enough and want to try Pre-Release GDR 3 / Update 3 Developer Preview for your Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8, yes you can try from today.

To participate, you must pass some requirements and once you updated to GDR 3 Preview, you can't go back to old version. But you can also receive update to the release state version once available later.

So, please read carefully all the terms, conditions and requirement before updating.


Special Note
  • Updates will only include the Microsoft update, and not additional OEM drivers/firmware i.e. this is not Nokia’s ‘Bittersweet shimmer’; users should remain with their current firmware and will not lose it
  • You will continue to receive the official update (and firmware) when they become publicly available, so there is no missing out of features, nor will you ever be behind
  • You CANNOT REVERT to a prior OS version once you have taken an update via this program
  • This may / will void your device warranty
  • Do it With Your Own Risk
  • Source: Symbian Tweet

How To Install

  • If done, Check Phone Update from Setting > Phone Update > Check for Updates
  • If Update available, download it and install it.

  • Wait until all the process are finish
  • Finish and enjoy GDR 3 Preview
More Information
  • Tested on Nokia Lumia 520, Lumia 620 & Lumia 920

Try GDR 3 / Update 3 Developer Preview for Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 Try GDR 3 / Update 3 Developer Preview for Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8 Reviewed by Rizky Adriansyah on Oktober 15, 2013 Rating: 5