Try GDR 3 / Update 3 Developer Preview for Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8
To participate, you must pass some requirements and once you updated to GDR 3 Preview, you can't go back to old version. But you can also receive update to the release state version once available later.
- You must have "Phone developer unlocked" OR "Windows Phone Store Developer" OR Windows Phone App Studio Developer Account.
- Note from nokianesia: The easiest and fastest way is you just register at with your Microsoft Account, that's all. (click "Start Building" on the page and then login with your MSFT ID, Done). - FREE of Charge
- Minimal OS Version: 8.0.10322.71 or GDR 2 (Check at setting > about > OS Version)
Special Note
- Updates will only include the Microsoft update, and not additional OEM drivers/firmware i.e. this is not Nokia’s ‘Bittersweet shimmer’; users should remain with their current firmware and will not lose it
- You will continue to receive the official update (and firmware) when they become publicly available, so there is no missing out of features, nor will you ever be behind
- You CANNOT REVERT to a prior OS version once you have taken an update via this program
- This may / will void your device warranty
- Do it With Your Own Risk
- Source: Symbian Tweet
How To Install
- Download & Install "Preview for Developers" App from Windows Phone Store
- Open "Preview for Developers" App
- Follow all the steps, validate and login with your developer ID (your registered Microsoft ID at
- If done, Check Phone Update from Setting > Phone Update > Check for Updates
- If Update available, download it and install it.
- Wait until all the process are finish
- Finish and enjoy GDR 3 Preview
More Information
- Tested on Nokia Lumia 520, Lumia 620 & Lumia 920
Try GDR 3 / Update 3 Developer Preview for Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8
Reviewed by Rizky Adriansyah
Oktober 15, 2013
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