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Breaking: Nokia Lumia 625H RM-943 Passed Testing Process in Indonesia

More Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8 will come shortly to join Nokia Lumia's portfolio. Today, based on Directorate Post & Telecommunication Indonesia, Nokia Lumia 625H RM-943 Passed the testing process on July 18th, 2013.

The next step is to get certificate from Directorate Post & Telecommunication Indonesia.

This Nokia Lumia 625H codename "MAX", based on leaked image couples days ago is the first Phablet from Nokia with 4.7 " Screen, Windows Phone 8 and should be another mid-level Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8.

click image for larger size

Nokia Lumia 625 H Leaked Images

Breaking: Nokia Lumia 625H RM-943 Passed Testing Process in Indonesia Breaking: Nokia Lumia 625H RM-943 Passed Testing Process in Indonesia Reviewed by Rizky Adriansyah on Juli 19, 2013 Rating: 5